Sunday, February 28, 2016

Module 1: Situational Analysis {Where have you been, Where are you Now, & Where you are Heading}

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Entrevista a Venezolano, Sales Engineer, que emigro a Canada

El colmo fue que su compañia local no quiso recomendarlo para el exterior y el termino trabajando en la misma compañia pero ingreso por su propia cuenta

De hecho su Jefe Local en todo momento se nego a recomendarle a pesar de que la empresa tiene Politica de Job Posting Internacional. Es decir antes de contratar a alguien de afuera le brindan la oportunidad al de adentro. Igualito que aqui. jjajjaaa

Aqui va el Resumen de la Entrevista para provecho de todos:
bueno te comento como me fui...
aplique en la embajada y listo...

1:53:11 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Y te salio tan rapido?
te cuento mis times. Mas o menos 2 años
En junio 2007 mando mis papeles a Mexico...
En marzo 2009 estampo mi Visa...

[1:54:26 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Porque Mexico, porque ahi es donde esta la embajada CANADA?
NO. Te explico...
si vas a aplicar a Canada puedes aplicar por Quebec (provincia de Quebec) hablan Frances...
o aplicas por Federal (resto de Canada) hablan ngles...

yo aplique por Quebec, y el primer paso es enviar lo que te piden en la pagina a la oficina que se encarga de Vzla la cual esta en Mexico...

ahora si yo hubiera aplicado por Federal entonces TODO mi papeleo lo hubiera hecho por la embajada en Venezuela...

de hecho despues que me entrevistan en Frances en la embajada de Canada en Vzla... y por supuesto me aprueban es entonces cuando abro mi expediente en la embajada de Canada en Vzla...

1:58:12 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Verga, y tu mascas frances?
un petit peu... no mucho solo lo suficiente para la entrevista y para que me aprobaran.... preguntas?

[1:58:51 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Con razon. Entonces por la via Quebec si hablas frances es mas rapido que Federal?


[1:59:20 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: O sea que los Calvos andamos pelando boletas?. Calvos por aquello del Federal.

digamos que es mas facil, relativamente, los criterios de seleccion no son tan exigentes como los criterios por el Federal...

[2:00:07 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Bueno, al Federal no entran sino calvos, porque ellos no tienen ni un pelo de tontos. Recuerdas el Comercial?

jejejejeje ahora si...

2:00:38 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Asi cuando vea el Comercial me acordare de tu entrevista, y dia la podre publicar.

[2:00:59 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: O sea que te tomo dos years?

menos de eso... hay a quienes les toma 3 años... pero muchas veces son personas que se confian y nunca pasan por la embajada para saber el status de su archivo y abra quienes desisten sin haber averiguado en la embajada...

2:06:19 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Dejame validar esto? LO que entiendo es que como el proceso de canada toma 3 years, la gente, una no aplica, y la que aplica o se le olvida la vaina o no hace seguimiento? CORRECTO? SI o NO. Lo entendi BIEN?

NO. yo diria que toma 2 años... pero si se alarga o se complica... entonces la gente solo se queda preguntando mariquerias en los foros de internet... y comparandose con los demas...

a mi me paso algo en el proceso y entonces YO mismo fui a averiguar en la embajada... y sabes que paso? sali de la embajada con mi ordenes medicas listas, solo por el hecho de ser curioso y querer yo mismo averiguar mi webada...

Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Con que frecuencia hay que ir a la embajada y a partir de que punto en el tiempo? A los 6 meses? Quarterly?

NO. no es algo de cada 6 8 4 meses... Hay etapas... Te explico mi caso...

[2:09:40 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Haaaaa. Hay que hacerle seguimiento a las fases/o etapas!!!

2:09:50 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Y cuales son esas fases o etapas?

PASO 1 [2:10:21 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: 1. Ver material de la embajada en internet

PASO 2 [2:10:31 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: 2. Enviara papeles MX
enviar papeles a Mexico...

ellos te envian fecha de entrevista... en la entrevista recibes el CSQ (certificado de seleccion de Quebec)

PASO 3 [2:10:41 AM] Rafael Armando Conde: [2:10:46 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: 3. Fecha de Entrevista? La entrevista ocurre como a los cuantos meses?

alli mismo despues de la entrevista puedes meter los papeles del proceso con la embajada, ya que te exigen el CSQ. la entrevista ocurre como a los dos a cuatro meses...

PASO 4 [2:11:02 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: 4. Certificado de Seelccion Quebec

PASO 5 [2:12:14 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: 5. Simultaneamente con Obtencion de Certificado Quebec  metes papeles al proceso con Embajada VE

hay dos sesiones de entrevistas al año... una en junio (creo) Y OTRA EN NOVIEMBRE A LA QUE YO ASISTI...

Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: entiendo. Ciclco de entrevistas parecido a los de Viva en Australia?

despues que metes tus papeles en la embbajada es que comienza la espera COÑO DE MADRE...
alli es donde te quedas calvo, te desesperas y es donde mas tiempo se tarda todo...

[2:13:35 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: O sea que para llegar al PASO 6, la espera es larga?


[2:14:03 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: En el punto 6 la gente se tira 3 peos x desconsuelo?

SI. porque el PASO 6 es cuando la embajada te envia LAS ORDENES DE LOS EXAMENES MEDICOS

[2:14:36 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Y eso tarda como cuanto? 12 meses?

los examenes medicos es relativo a mi me duro mas de un año... ya a esta altura LO UNICO que te haria no tener la VISA es una enfermedad que vaya a ser un costo para el gobierno de Canada...

dejame pensar...año tres meses. algo asi.

[2:16:24 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: 1Year mas 1Q on average.
mas 1Q de espera a entrevista

despues que te llegan las ordenes medicas, vas y te haces tu examenes con los medicos asignados, y luego dentro de los siguientes 3 o 4 semanas ya te estan llamando a sellar VISA...
pero recuerda estos son tiempos de Quebecc...

[[2:17:17 AM] Rafael Armando Conde: [2:17:19 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: O sea que despues de los examenes medicos la vaina corre violenta?

aplicacion por Quebec... sip.
[2:17:35 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Claro, estos son tiempos para los que no son calvos, es decir que no van al FEDERAL.

[2:17:56 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Ya veo de donde salen los 10 Q de espera y tramites en la via NO FEDERAL. La French.

Despues de lo examenes medicos si no tienes ya  tus dolaritos ahorrados, el nivel del idioma mas o menos y no has hecho la tarea entonces estas JODIDO..

[2:18:52 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Claro. Canada ni Australia aceptan limpios.

2:19:10 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Hay que tener para Canada no menos de 14.000 USD? Correcto?

o Menos. yo te digo algo... y no me vas a creer... yo me traje 6,000 USD. pero de pana me vine yo solo, y la pase mal del punto de vista que el dinero se acaba...

[2:19:41 AM] Rafael Armando Conde: [2:19:50 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Oye muy buen dato.

[2:20:20 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: O sea que con USD 6.000 ya estas capitalizado minimo?

y en mi caso es "a MUST". o creo que yo me aventure mucho con ese monto, yo no se lo recomendaria a nadie...

[2:21:02 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Ya veo, o sea que si llevas 6.000 debes tambien llevar un frasco de Mazzeite

[2:21:39 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Cual seria el monto ideal para ti? 10K?
si vinienes solo si...

2:21:11 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Cuanto tiempo te tomo conseguir empleo en Canada?

[2:22:23 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Y si te vas solo, como hace luego para llevarte la Esposa?

debo tener un trabajo como para mantenerla...

2:23:10 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Pero como tramitas papeles, el mismo proceso tuyo o ya es otra forma?

2:23:25 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: papeles para llevarte la Esposa, luego que consigas empleo?

No. Escucha. 

[2:23:45 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: O es que cuandto te aprueban, te aprueba para todo el grupo famiiar?

exacto... solo que yo me vengo en una fecha y ella en otra... pero OJO!!!. 
yo hice mis examens medicos en Febrero 2010 y mi Visa me llega en marzo 2010 + o -
o recibo mi VISA por ejemplo en marzo 2010. tengo hasta Febrero 2011 para hacer landing en Canada...

[2:24:09 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Perfectamente entendido. Nada de Polizontes

[2:25:45 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: te sigo con las orejas bien paradas y los ojos pulludos. TU y tu FAMILIA?

2:26:08 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Si tu familia no llega en ese lapso, pelas boletas?

Exacto. y entonces deben aplicar de nuevo y de nuevo dos añitos...

[2:26:34 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: En el caso que tu familia no fuera, te regresan a ti?


[2:26:50 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Solo le pasan factura a la familia?

Claro. pero en esos casos lo que se puede hacer es que la familia viaja solo para hacer landing y se regresa a Vzla... porque esa es la vaina a ti cuando te dan la Visa te la dan por UNA SOLA ENTRADA... Viaje sin regreso. y entonces los documentos del landing de tu familia te llegan a ti...

entonces debes llegar y quedarte POR LO MENOS 6 semanas para que te llegue el carnet de Residente Permanente y de esa manera puedas volver a entrar a Canada...  puedas salir y volver a entrar sin Visa claro...

[2:30:21 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: 6 semanas es casi mes y medio, y ahi es donde se te van los primeros USD 3.000 o mas

yo diria que un pelo mas...

link para sesiones de informacion y todo...

[3:11:31 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Esa es la pagina de donde sacastes instrucciones para meter papeles?

si la primera pagina es donde te dicen TODO para meter los papeles por QUEBEC...

2:37:52 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Mira Rafael. por Fin dejastes de humillarme. Tenias muy buena informacion y estabas caleta


[2:29:21 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: He visto que a la gente la regresan 1 year. Como es eso. Ya van dos casos?

de verdad no lo se... a lo mejor tienen Visa de trabajo y los devuelven?

[2:30:41 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Los casos que conozco son que se casaron alla

con Canadiense?

[2:31:05 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: O sea que tu no tienes que venir a Venezuela x 12 meses?

no mi caso es distinto... yo ya soy Residente Permanente... yo tengo los mismos derechos que un ciudadano menos votar en elecciones y otras dos mariqueras...

[2:31:46 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: YO lo que creo es que los 2 casos que conozco ingresaron de polizontes, y luego se casaron. Seguro que es el pedo polizonte, y entonces hacen regresar hasta la mujer. Los dos casos que tengo, el tpo era Venezolano y la mujer canadiense. y en ambos casos los dos tuvieron que estar fuera de canada x 1 year.

bueno te comento que aqui hay casos de personas que se hacen ciudadanos y si tienen un peo grave de carcel y tal los devuelven y le quitan la ciudadania...

te comento que alla pueden ser unos VERGATARIOS.... pero aqui me mamarse un....

aqui el que se quiera venir que este dispuesto a comer los Miercoles si es necesario...

[2:35:22 AM] Justino Mora - LinkedIn/Twitter/Buzz Recruiter: Empiezas en CERO KILOMETRO

no bueno no tanto asi...


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Salary Survey SPE 2009

Salary Survey: "Salary Survey

Western Management Group conducted the 2009 survey for SPE.

The worldwide median Base Pay in 2009 was $124,604, a decrease of about 2% from last year. Median Total Compensation was also down, from $158,103 in 2008 to an even $150,000. Even more dramatic was the reduction in the reported average annual increase in Base Pay to 6.6%, from a mark of 8.1% in the previous year. Only one region, Africa, reported a higher average increase in 2009 than in 2008."

6 Reasons to Retire Overseas - On Retirement (

6 Reasons to Retire Overseas - On Retirement ( "Look beyond Florida and Arizona and your retirement options get exciting. There can be much more to life than the way you’ve been living it. By considering retirement choices overseas, your days can become full of discovery and adventure. You can reinvent not only your life, but yourself too. What did you want to be when you grew up? Here’s your second chance."

New Flock divorces Firefox, snuggles up to Chrome | The Download Blog -

New Flock divorces Firefox, snuggles up to Chrome | The Download Blog - "Flock made its name as a Firefox remix that came loaded with custom add-ons for tightly integrating social networking with daily Web browsing. Just opened to the public, the Flock 3 beta keeps its social goals intact while replacing its Firefox base with Google-supported Chromium. The new Flock experience is vastly different than before, and is related to the old version in name only."

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hollow Fiber Membranes

Hollow Fiber Membranes: "Membrane separation processes has become one of the emerging technology which undergo a rapid growth during the past few decades. It has drawn the world attention especially in the separation technology field, one of the chemical
engineers' specialty with its distinguish performance compared to the conventional separation technology. This paper will briefly describe one of the membrane configuration, i.e. the hollow fiber membrane, its advantages and disadvantages and also its application towards the few newly developed industrial, namely the chemical, petrochemical and the biotechnology industry."

ACWA Holding, Toyobo and ITOCHU From Japan Establish a new Company | Al Bawaba Newspaper | Find Articles at BNET

ACWA Holding, Toyobo and ITOCHU From Japan Establish a new Company | Al Bawaba Newspaper | Find Articles at BNET: "ACWA Holding, Toyobo Co., Ltd. and ITOCHU Corporation have established a new company to manufacture reverse osmosis membrane elements for seawater desalination on Tuesday February 16th, 2010 under the patronage of H.E. Engineer Abdulah Al-Hossein, the Minister of Water and Electricity. The signing ceremony was held in the Four Seasons Hotel in Riyadh witnessed by a large number of guests especially H.E."

Japan and Saudi to create desalination giant |

Japan and Saudi to create desalination giant | "In a landmark deal, two Japanese firms have signed a deal with Saudi infrastructure developer ACWA Holding to create a joint venture that will assist desalination projects in the Kingdom.

Called Arabian Japanese Membrane Company, the new firm will have an estimated capital of $347m. Estimated total investment into the partnership over the next decade is expected to weigh in at around $352m."

Saudi Arabia Opens World's Largest Desalination Plant | Green Prophet

Saudi Arabia Opens World's Largest Desalination Plant | Green Prophet: "Saudi Arabia has always had an acute fresh water shortage problem. The problem has been so severe that a proposal was once considered to literally tow an ice burg from Antarctica all to way to the Kingdom for use as fresh water.

The practicality of constructing desalination plants to extract salt and other minerals from sea water became a much more practical plan, and 27 have now been constructed in the Kingdom, supplying 70% of the country’s drinking water as well as more than 28 million megawatts of electricity."

Japan and Saudi Arabia Plan Giant Desalination Equipment Plant to “Freshen Up” Regional Water Supplies | Green Prophet

Japan and Saudi Arabia Plan Giant Desalination Equipment Plant to “Freshen Up” Regional Water Supplies | Green Prophet: "Saudi Arabia has been in the news a lot in regards to building desalination facilities, on which the Kingdom depends for most of its fresh water supplies. This includes what has been hailed as the worlds’ largest desalination facility in the Jubail Industrial Zone, on the shores of the Persian Gulf.�But now, something different is in the works, as the Kingdom has reached an agreement �with two Japanese companies, Toyobo, and Itochu corporation, to build a plant in Saudi Arabia to construct the equipment used in the desalination plants, making it much easier to construct new water producing facilities as needed."

Sunday, June 13, 2010

GE signs Saudi Aramco deal | Energy, Oil and Gas |

GE signs Saudi Aramco deal | Energy, Oil and Gas | "Saudi Aramco has signed a corporate procurement agreement with General Electric (GE) for the supply of GE turbomachinery equipment and services to support the production of oil and gas in the kingdom. The agreement also includes cooperation on initiatives focused on optimising the performance of Saudi Aramco's installed fleet of turbomachinery equipment, which includes over 60 gas turbines, 90 compressors and more than 100 pumps."

Foster Wheeler wins ADCO project management contract | Energy, Oil and Gas |

Foster Wheeler wins ADCO project management contract | Energy, Oil and Gas | "Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO) has awarded Foster Wheeler a project management consultancy (PMC) contract for the Bab Field expansion and the development of the Qusahwira Field. The company's primary role as PMC will involve managing the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) tendering and award process and the EPC execution phase on behalf of ADCO."

Samsung, Sasakura bid lowest for Saudi plant | Energy, Oil and Gas |

Samsung, Sasakura bid lowest for Saudi plant | Energy, Oil and Gas | "South Korea's Samsung Engineering, with Japan's Sasakura Engineering Co, have submitted the lowest bid of $1.89bn to build a new desalination plant in Saudi Arabia, Reuters has reported, citing industry sources. Expected to be the world's largest when completed in the last quarter of 2013, the plant will produce 1.025 million cubic metres of desalinated water per day and will be integrated with a 2,400 megawatts power plant, in Ras Azzour."

Desalination plant | SASAKURA Engineering Co,. Ltd.

Desalination plant | SASAKURA Engineering Co,. Ltd.: "Sasakura is the world's leading manufacturer of desalination plant. An independent survey published in 2004 shows that more than 10% of the total installed capacity of thermal and membrane plants in the world has been supplied by Sasakura and its licencees. The Sasakura experience covers so many desalination processes in every possible application : land based municipal plants, packaged plants for construction and hotel use, marine and offshore units, plants for making boiler feed and process water, dual-purpose combinations with electricity generation, miniature watermakers for fishing vessels and hundreds of other applications."

ACWA Power | Introduction

ACWA Power | Introduction: "ACWA Power SASAKURA is a joint venture between 'Arabian Co. for Water & Power Development'(ACWA Power), owned by A. Abunayyan Trading Corp. & Al Muhaidib Holding Co. and two well known Japanese Companies 'Sasakura Engineering Co. Ltd.' & 'Itochu Corporation'.

This new joint Company aim to provide Consulting Services and Execution of Projects in the field of Rehabilitation of Water Desalination & Power Plants. ACWA Power Sasakura is considered to be a real addition in the activity of the Arabian Holding Co. for Water & Power Development."

DAELIM Industrial Company Limited

DAELIM: "Thank you for visiting the website of Daelim Industrial Company Limited.

Established in 1939, Daelim Industrial Co., Ltd., with its E&C (Engineering and Construction) and Petrochemical groups has been the flagship enterprise of the Daelim Business Conglomerate.

In 1966, Daelim became Korea’s first company to work on an overseas construction project. Since 1970, Daelim has enjoyed a good reputation for its successful completion of numerous projects in the Middle East and Southeast Asia. Now Daelim is recognized as a global contractor with cutting-edge technologies and excellent management abilities, boasting a distinguished record of performance in more than 24 countries.

With a top-notch staff of over 2,700 specialists, Daelim’s E&C group provides a comprehensive array of services including feasibility studies, project management, engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning & start-up, operation & maintenance, and project financing. The fields covered by Daelim’s high-quality and cost-competitive services include gas, petroleum refining, chemical & petrochemical, power & energy plants, building & housing, civil works as well as a range of industrial facilities."

Monday, June 07, 2010

Kuwait firm eyes $1 bln power plant in Egypt, Egypt Utilities, Energy - Maktoob Business

Kuwait firm eyes $1 bln power plant in Egypt, Egypt Utilities, Energy - Maktoob Business: "The plant would be constructed on a build-own-operate (BOO) basis, and the price for each kilowatt could be set between 4.5 and 5 U.S. cents, al-Mal newspaper said, adding that discussions would be completed by the end of June."

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Oman Oil buys 30% stake in Vale Omani subsidiary - Emirates Business 24|7

Oman Oil buys 30% stake in Vale Omani subsidiary - Emirates Business 24|7

Companies & Markets - Emirates Business 24|7

Companies & Markets - Emirates Business 24|7

Technology - Emirates Business 24|7

Technology - Emirates Business 24|7

Logistics - Emirates Business 24|7

Logistics - Emirates Business 24|7

Energy & Utilities - Emirates Business 24|7

Energy & Utilities - Emirates Business 24|7

Construction - Emirates Business 24|7

Construction - Emirates Business 24|7

Egypt's Ezz Steel Q1 profit jumps 78 pct, Egypt Mining & Metals, Industry - Maktoob Business

Egypt's Ezz Steel Q1 profit jumps 78 pct, Egypt Mining & Metals, Industry - Maktoob Business

Saudi-Alcoa awards contracts for $10.8 bln, Saudi Arabia Mining & Metals, Industry - Maktoob Business

Saudi-Alcoa awards contracts for $10.8 bln, Saudi Arabia Mining & Metals, Industry - Maktoob Business

Alcoa increasing investment in Saudi project, Saudi Arabia Mining & Metals, Industry - Maktoob Business

Alcoa increasing investment in Saudi project, Saudi Arabia Mining & Metals, Industry - Maktoob Business

Saudi phosphate railway finished by year end, Saudi Arabia Mining & Metals, Industry - Maktoob Business

Saudi phosphate railway finished by year end, Saudi Arabia Mining & Metals, Industry - Maktoob Business

Santos CMI Project at Pueblo Viejo

Project Pueblo Viejo

Construction of pipelines from Hatillo reservoir to Hondo reservoir, tailings and reclaims. The scope includes carbon steel, HDPE and lined carbon steel piping pre fabrication and installation, all related concrete ans steel works, as well as roads construction.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Drilling Engineer - Statoil at Statoil in Houston, TX | LinkedIn

Drilling Engineer - Statoil at Statoil in Houston, TX | LinkedIn: "Job Description

Job description
Planning of production and exploration wells
Exploration drilling projects
Execution of drilling and well operations (offshore and/or onshore rigs)
Early-phase work and planning of wells in new projects
Special studies
Technology development and implementation"

Bechtel Corporation: Hot Jobs at Cool Projects

Bechtel Corporation: Hot Jobs at Cool Projects: "Bechtel has an immediate need to fill positions in a wide range of areas at these projects."

Bechtel Corporation: Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project

Bechtel Corporation: Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project

Bechtel Corporation: Albanian Motorway

Bechtel Corporation: Albanian Motorway

Bechtel Corporation: Angola LNG

Bechtel Corporation: Angola LNG: "Bechtel's second liquefied natural gas project on the West Coast of Africa is helping turn the continent into a major source of energy.

The plant, located in Angola on the Congo River delta, will have the capacity to produce 5.2 million metric tons per year of LNG—natural gas cooled to minus 160 degrees Celsius. At that temperature, natural gas becomes a liquid that occupies one six-hundredth the volume of gas, so it can be transported safely and economically by sea. The LNG from Angola will be exported primarily to a regasification terminal in Mississipi."

Bechtel Corporation: Chemical Weapons Elimination

Bechtel Corporation: Chemical Weapons Elimination

Bechtel Corporation: Crossrail

Bechtel Corporation: Crossrail

Bechtel Corporation: Dulles Metrorail Extension

Bechtel Corporation: Dulles Metrorail Extension

Bechtel Corporation: Edwardsport Power Project

Bechtel Corporation: Edwardsport Power Project

Bechtel Corporation: Elm Road Generating Station

Bechtel Corporation: Elm Road Generating Station

Bechtel Corporation: Hanford Vitrification Plant

Bechtel Corporation: Hanford Vitrification Plant

Bechtel Corporation: Ivanpah Solar

Bechtel Corporation: Ivanpah Solar

Bechtel Corporation: Keystone Pipeline

Bechtel Corporation: Keystone Pipeline: "The Keystone Pipeline, now under construction, will be one of the longest crude oil pipelines in the world. Originating in Hardisty, Alberta, it will transport oil nearly 3,500 kilometers to refineries in Oklahoma and Illinois.��

A second project, dubbed Keystone XL, will extend service to refineries on the U.S. Gulf Coast in Texas. Bechtel is handling engineering management, procurement, and construction management of the two projects for customer TransCanada."

Bechtel Corporation: Kwajalein Test Range

Bechtel Corporation: Kwajalein Test Range

Bechtel Corporation: London Underground Upgrade

Bechtel Corporation: London Underground Upgrade

Bechtel Corporation: Los Bronces Copper Mine

Bechtel Corporation: Los Bronces Copper Mine: "Located in the Andes northeast of Santiago, the project includes expansion of a copper concentrator, construction of a new concentrator, crushing and conveying equipment, grinding and flotation circuits, and other equipment. The project will more than double throughput at the facility."

Bechtel Corporation: Los Pelambres Copper Mine

Bechtel Corporation: Los Pelambres Copper Mine: "The $800 million expansion, scheduled for completion in 2010, will increase the capacity of the mine's concentrator from 145,000 tons (132,000 tonnes) to 175,000 tons (159,000 tonnes) per day."

Bechtel Corporation: New Doha International Airport

Bechtel Corporation: New Doha International Airport

Bechtel Corporation: Oak Ridge Environmental Cleanup

Bechtel Corporation: Oak Ridge Environmental Cleanup

Bechtel Corporation: Port Arthur Expansion

Bechtel Corporation: Port Arthur Expansion

Bechtel Corporation: Port Waratah Coal Services

Bechtel Corporation: Port Waratah Coal Services

Bechtel Corporation: Prairie State Energy Campus

Bechtel Corporation: Prairie State Energy Campus

Bechtel Corporation: Romanian Motorway

Bechtel Corporation: Romanian Motorway

Bechtel Corporation: Sabine Pass LNG

Bechtel Corporation: Sabine Pass LNG

Bechtel Corporation: Sammis Power Retrofit

Bechtel Corporation: Sammis Power Retrofit

Bechtel Corporation: U.S. National Laboratories

Bechtel Corporation: U.S. National Laboratories

Bechtel Corporation: Watts Bar Completion

Bechtel Corporation: Watts Bar Completion

Bechtel Corporation: Jubail Industrial City

Bechtel Corporation: Jubail Industrial City: "Jubail Industrial City is the largest civil engineering project in the world today. It also is one of Bechtel’s most remarkable achievements—a city built from the ground up, requiring vast resources and logistical planning on an unprecedented scale.

Bechtel has managed the Jubail project, located in the Eastern Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, since it began in the mid-1970s. In 2004, the Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu asked the company to manage Jubail II, a $3.8 billion expansion of the city’s industrial and residential areas.

With a population of more than 100,000, Jubail today accounts for more than 7 percent of the kingdom’s gross domestic product. The city has evolved into a major player in the global petrochemicals market, attracting top technical and business minds from 40 countries. Its residents attend two dozen schools, shop at 14 shopping centers, and play golf at the Whispering Sands course."

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

C/C++ Embedded Software Engineer - Houston Texas USA

SALARY RANGE: USD 85.000 up to 100.000
SKILLS SET: To perform this job successfully, an individual should have
Knowledge of Word Processing, spreadsheet, internet and database software.
Experience with C, C++, Visual Basic and familiarity with DOS and Windows operating systems.
Familiarity with the following physical communication protocols: RS-232, 422, 485, Ethernet, 4-20 mA
Familiarity with the following software communication protocols: MODBUS, HART, Profibus, Fieldbus, and TCP/IP are desired.
Linux or RTOS experience would be a plus.

Education/Experience: BS in Computer Science or BSEE with 5 years professional design experience in embedded code with C, C++ and assembly, microprocessor and micro-controller designs, device driver development, RTOS implementations, and communication protocol design. Experience developing complex embedded systems using layered process engineering methods toward design, development and deployment is preferred.

Other requirements: expertise in embedded coding with strong knowledge of code mapping to various hardware architectures, knowledge of source code management for controlled releases from research to production, project life cycle experience, and project ownership and management with the ability to manage multiple complex projects in parallel.

Windows application development and maintenance, specifically Visual Basic is a must. DOS, Linux, QNX, and Real-time OS development experience over various embedded platforms as well as internet protocol stack knowledge and familiarity with Altium/Protel or comparable schematic capture and layout package is considered a plus.

Provides support of application, software, and architecture in development, system test, and production environments by performing the following duties:
▪ Installs applications in the development and system test environments for prerelease testing.

▪ Performs system administration by writing utilities and monitoring services.

▪ Provides technical support and maintenance of installed applications software.

▪ Implements, configures, and tests new product versions with end users.

▪ Interacts with business users and software vendors to troubleshoot installation and implementation issues.

▪ Communicates problems and problem resolutions to Systems Administrator to improve ongoing services delivery.

▪ Develops and maintains detailed technical knowledge of the specifications, operation, and diagnostics of products while maintaining familiarity with competing products.

▪ Organizes, produces, and reports on the progress of ongoing testing, trials, and evaluation of new products and services.
▪ Analyzes existing workflow environments and assists with setting up and configuring new installations to fit into workflow models.

▪ Supports remote users in resolving network connectivity issues.

▪ Conducts orientation to new users regarding applications of software.

▪ Writes specifications, user guides, manuals, installation guides, and other related documents.

▪ Uses a version control system to maintain control of software features and releases.

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Make sure when FORWARDING/SENDING your Linkedin Profile/RESUME of making a Presentation/Selling Points within the email is sent.

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Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Mexico, Houston Middle East
 +1(281)5060218 SKYPE: JustinoMora
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